Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Unproductive Meetings Got You Down Technology Can Help

Unproductive Meetings Got You Down Technology Can Help Unproductive Meetings Got You Down Technology Can Help Weve all sat through at least one meeting thatleft us thinking,Well that was a waste of time. It happens to the best of us One thing leads to another, and then another, and eventually, someones unrelated tangent goeson for the whole hur.Unfortunately, this isnt only a common problem its also a serious one.Unproductive meetings dont justwasteyourand your companys time. They also waste a staggering amount of money. According to Business Insider, American companies lose $37 billion every year on unproductive meetings.Just how do unproductive meetings cause such losses?Well, consider that a manager gets paid $2,000 for 40 hours of work every week, explainsShiv Sharma, Taskworlds content manager. If he sits in a two hour meeting that doesnt lead to any actionable conclusions, thats equivalent to burning $100.In the past, companies could easily blame this problem on a number of things e.g., unforeseen circumstances, a lack of resources, or even poor employee performance.But, if you want to move beyond excuses, now may be a good time to check out the various ways in which geschftliches miteinander technologies have come to rescue us all from unproductive meetings. Now,we have access toproductivity platforms like the aforementionedTaskworld that allow us tocreate projects for our meetings, assign action items in real time, and set completion dates for eachtask. With a simple app like that, meeting can become a lot more productive.Imagine starting your computer and finding a screen that tells you exactly what you need to do for the day, gives you all the files that you want, and allows you to communicate with any member of your team. Now imagine it also suggests specialized workflows to help organize your work. Thats the kind ofproductivity platform your company could benefit from if youre still struggling with unproductive meetings.Get Your Meetings Right The Four Golden Rules of Meaningful MeetingsThat being said, productivity platforms arent magic cure-alls. They wont automatically save you from bad meetings. In fact, before a productivity platform can help you, Sharma says, you have to learn and adhere to the four golden rules of meaningful meetingsHave a specific purpose.Involve the right people.Follow the schedule.End with planned actions.The word specific in that first step isextremely important. Generic agendas will only invite generic discussions.Instead of saying youll be discussing pricing in the meeting, say youll be coming up with pricing limits for enterprise costumers, Sharma says.And of course, you should invite only the people who can adequately contribute to the topic of conversation. According to Sharma, If you invite people who dont need to be there, your meeting will be longer, less efficient, and thus, more expensive.Ultimately, the key to having productive meetings lies in standardizing the way companieshold t heir meetings.We at Taskworld have created a methodology based on the above rules, Sharma explains. Even though the agendas of various meetings may differ, this methodology will still hold true.Beyond standardizing as much as possible, its also important to treat meetings as limited resources.With the advent of the latest technologies in project management and communication, it has become possible to avoid meetings for a lot of projects, Sharma says. Having fewer meetings keeps people motivated and focused.The truth is, nobody really likes having meetings. But theyre a necessary part of any business operationand they arent going anywhere, so we might as well make the most of them. And there are few things more satisfying than leaving a meeting with clarity, purpose, and a general sense of accomplishment.This is something we all like to feel in the workplace and, if you follow the tips outlined above, you will.Youll save your company some money, too.

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